Friday, December 11, 2009

What a Difference 8 Months Make...

the differences....
1. My daughters and I have moved back to the states after living in China for 12 years.
2. Bob stayed in China to finish out his contract and was set to move back to the states without a job.
3. An American company offered Bob a job... in China. So Bob is staying in China. Madi, Cati and I are staying in the states.

A sign of the economic times in the states....

Its been 8 short months since I've last blogged. I've not quite figured out what this blog will be about... just my family's life, every day stuff, nothing really too exciting..

Just a way to write down my thoughts, expressions, observations about life.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our Lives on Paper

Sometimes in our lives, we meet someone who affects us in a special way - makes us see something in our world, in others or ourselves that changes our perspective. Madi has met such a person in her writing teacher, Nancy. Nancy has a way to draw out the inner-writer. Madi has always been a great writer. Nancy helped Madi to remember how much she enjoys writing. Watch the video to see Madi and her fellow creative writers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Living with Less is More...

Just had a great day out with friends. We went to TaiKang Lu - a SoHo-like area - in Shanghai.

It was interesting to shop and putter around with a new resolve to live a purposeful life. I saw lots of 'stuff' that I would like but really questioned myself regarding whether I or my family really needed it. It was an interesting process and one that will need some polishing and reviewing.

It was a beautiful day today in Shanghai- sunny, warm and fresh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Less is More...

Getting ready for our move to the US is an interesting process. I've been slowly, patiently and diligently organizing all our stuff. It is interesting how much of my stuff, stuff I couldn't do without, is not necessary. It has really taught me a valuable lesson about how little is needed to live a fulfilling life.

I've decided to adopt a philosophy of 'voluntary simplicity' - the act of having less so there is more available in the world for others. I don't want to define myself by what I have, rather I want to define myself by the value I bring to the world.

'Voluntary simplicity' is also the act of living an examined life - one in which I determine what is important, or "enough," for me, discarding the rest. (

There are many variations of 'voluntary simplicity'- and, quite frankly, I am still defining what it means to me.

One thing I know for sure is I want to live a purpose-filled life for me and for my family.

I'm going to enjoy crossing the bridge from a 'stuff-centered' life to a more 'purpose-centered' life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting Ready for the USA!

This week, Madi & Cati have been on Easter break.

They've been shopping, shopping and more shopping...

By far, yesterday was the most productive because they shopped for art to use as design inspiration for their new bedrooms in Fort Myers.

We went to this funky little art gallery where they bargained for bold, contemporary pieces of artwork.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Notes on Cupping

Love cupping...

This morning, I feel more balanced when I did my sun salutations and more centered when I did my morning meditation.

Oh and by the way, I slept through the night!

Take that jet lag!

Cups and the Back

Yesterday, I went to the local massage place, KungJun Massage. I needed a foot massage - I was convinced that a massage would balance my qi and help me get over my debilitating and exhasting jet lag. My massage therapist, #20, started massaging my feet and old me my circulation was poor and I have cold wind in my body. I tried to explain that earlier in the week I sat on a plane for almost 14 hours over the Pacific Ocean. #20 merely looked at me and calmly said - you need ba guan (cupping). Cupping refers to an ancient Chinese practice in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (by using change in heat or by suctioning out air), so that the skin and superficial muscle layer is drawn into and held in the cup. Its supposed to draw out cold wind and break up congestion along meridian lines and acupuncture/acupressure points. What it does is create hickey-like circles all over my back but I have to admit - I feel better. I still have jet lag but feel like I am more balanced.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Boredom - A Poem

A poem by Cati, age 12.


A dull shadow that lurks over your shoulder
It feeds off of your enoyment and excitement
Energy is non-excitant when it's around
It's a monster that lives and breathes miserable

It surrounds you, it's everywhere
In class and at home, it follows you
You can't stop it
Its power is incredible

Your mind is tired and your eyes slightly closed
Its power takes over
It has got you under its spell
Your mind stops to function, paying attention is not on your mind

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Are You Listening To Me?

Thoughts and Intentions for My Daughters...

Are you listening to me when I tell you that you are a special person full of passion, joy and love? Are you listening to me when I whisper in your ear while you are sleeping that I love you? Are you listening to me when I gently urge you to be an individual full of confidence, passion, zest, bliss and positive shakti?

If Dad and I can teach you one thing – it is to be proud of who you are and to celebrate, every day, your individuality. Dare to be different, dare to follow your dreams, dare to be passionate, dare to take risks. No matter whether you succeed beyond your wildest dreams or whether you don’t meet your goals – you will still be loved. You will still always have a home. You will still have four ears that will listen, two mouths that will offer encouragement, four arms that will hug you and four eyes that will always look upon you with love and endearment.

Some people think it is safe to follow the crowd and not be an individual, not to dream, not to be passionate, not to take risks. This is wrong. Its safer to follow your heart and allow it to take you on a journey to find your dreams. Its safer because you will always be loved, no matter what!

Love you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cao Mei, You Ma? (Do You Want Strawberries?)

(This short story is a homework assignment from a creative writing class I am taking. The assignment was to be aware of conversations around me, choose a phrase that appeals to me and write about it. This is the result.)

“Xiao Mei Mei, please eat some more rice. Just one more spoonful.”

“NO!” I said stamping my feet. I made my face real mean too.

“I like chocolate. I want to eat CHOCOLATE, Mama!”

Mama starts crying. I don’t understand why she is crying. I don’t understand a lot. I’m only 5.

“Mama, bu ku. Don’t you like chocolate? It is so yummy. I want to eat it every day and it is brown. I like brown things like chocolate and cola and those biscuits we buy at the small shop.”

I am studying my colors. I am happy to tell Mama I know what color chocolate and cola and biscuits are. My favorite game is the color game because I play with Mama. She points to something then I tell her the color. If I’m right then she gives me a pat on the head and tells me I’m very smart and smiles really big.
But right now, she is still crying, even harder now. I really don’t understand. The color game is happy.

Lao Gong, what am I going to do with Xiao Mei Mei?”

“I know! You can bring me to the small shop to buy brown biscuits and brown cola!” I yell at the top of my lungs. I like yelling. It is fun!

“And, I know something green too! Green gum! I want green gum! Let’s go to the small shop.”

Xiao Mei Mei,” my BaBa says, “There are other green things too like xiao bai cai, bo cai and qing cai. You should eat more green things than just gum and not too many brown things.”

“But BaBa gum is green. I don’t like green vegetables.”

“AIYAAAA!” Mama runs from the room.

Xiao Mei Mei, its ok if you don’t like green things,” coaxed my Baba. “Do you like red things?”

I nod my head because I know red is the color of China.

Baba continued, “Good girl. Red is the color of the Chinese people. All Chinese honor and revere the color red. You are a loyal, honest and filial Chinese. What are things that are red?”

I love the color game. I am glad I don’t have to name more green things.

“I know! The Chinese flag is red. I have a red crayon and an apple is red.”

Baba winks his eye at Mama. “Did you hear that, Tai Tai? Xiao Mei Mei just said an apple is red.”

Mama is smiling. I smile too!

Mama gives me my jacket and brushes me out the door.

“Are we going to the small shop to buy biscuits and cola and chocolate?” I am really hungry now.

“No. We will go to the fruit seller to buy red apples. Chinese people love red so you will love apples!”

“OK”, I shrug happy and skip down the sidewalk. I love the bright lights outside our flat. The meat cutter has bright lights in the shape of a pig! It is my favorite light!

We are at the fruit seller. He greets Mama, “Chi guo le ma?”

Hai mei you, ni ne?” Mama says.

I am glad Mama said she hasn’t eaten yet. I am hungry.

The fruit seller smiles widely, “Then you must buy many fruits. I have red apples, green pears and yellow bananas.”

“Today, we want red apples. Xiao Mei Mei, don’t the red apples smell wonderfully sweet, just like candy?”

I want to answer Mama but I smell something else and it is red too. It smells like the gum I like to eat. It smells sweet and looks like a giant sugar drop. I move closer to it.

Cao mei, you ma?” Mama asks me. (Do you want strawberries?)

“Yes, Mama. I like red things.”

Mama smiles.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Letter to President Obama... From Cati, Shivani and Emily

A Brit’s point of view:
By Emily
I am from the UK, but I think Obama will change the world anyways. From my point of view, Obama will change America and point of view of America and unite other countries. I hope he stops the pointless war in Iraq and he’ll think of the troops, who were lost at battle. I also hope he helps the bond between Britain and the USA and even the EU. Hopefully Obama will improve war situations and the country itself. Also in these few months, I similarly hope he will improve himself because I’ve seen on the news that he’s made a few mistakes, and I want him to go on so I hope he learns from those mistakes. I also think its great that a Black American is a President and I am happy that I am happy to see Obama take control of the country. He also had a great win, and he had a great campaign. He also was kind of seen to win, as everyone thought he was going to win anyways, because people saw McCain bring in Sarah Palin and that seemed to change peoples' views which I didn’t know much about, but caught onto. I am also happy to see changes in our world, I think he’ll do great!

Americans in Shanghai, following the Presidency:
By Cati and Shivani
We think it is great that an African American man is now the President of the USA. American needs change and Obama seems to be a chance. He has good ideas that are innovative and new, things that will help our country in the future. We are expecting a lot, as he was very convincing in the campaign and promised a lot of things. He promised change like end to the war in Iraq, which would be good because the war is virtually about nothing, and too many soldiers and Iraqi citizens are being hurt for no reason. He also promised more jobs, which is good during this economic crisis which is hard for many people. He also promised to try and get America back on the right track for the economy, and he also said that he’d try to make America equal and happy. He seems to be just a normal person who wants to help America and its people. We think Barack Obama should be given a chance to prove himself and he will be a great President in the next few years.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I Remember...Random Things...

I remember coming to Shanghai, site unseen and being driven to Kunshan in a 'Fred Flintstone'-like car; traveling down small country roads in between emerald-colored rice fields. The car's name was Homer.

I remember starting a near riot at the Kunshan #1 Department Store when M, C and I stopped on the steps of the store to finish our ice cream. So intent was I on helping M & C, I didn't realize how many people had stopped to stare. Police stared sounding their whistles, I got scared, the crowd disbursed to reveal three foreigners eating ice cream - a rare site in Kunshan.

I remember having a wonderful adventure the first time I ventured out by bicycle on my own in Kunshan.

I remember my first bicycle ride in Kunshan caused two taxis to collide as the drivers rubber-necked to see the foreigner riding down the bike lane.
I remember when one of my English students told me his English name was Hippo. When I asked him why he chose that name, he explained a hippo was strong and swift. He admired those traits. I was completely prepared to tell him to change his name but when he told me his careful and thoughtful consideration; I didn't have the heart. I advised him to be proud. Of course, he already was.

I remember telling M & C that tofu was Chinese hotdogs so they would eat it.

I remember having our ayi make fishhead soup every day so M & C could drink it. They loved it until one day when they saw the fishhead swimming in the soup. From then on, they wouldn't even have a taste.

I remember getting foot massages from Catholic nuns in Kunshan.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Adventurous Eating Habits?

This is a new blog. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to write and if my ramblings will be interesting to anyone.

I started pondering- did I name this blog appropriately? Certainly, I can celebrate my family in so many ways - B is a great husband and dad, M is a sensitive, caring and intelligent teenager & C has a wonderful sense of humor and is compassionate and smart. But, do we have enough adventures to warrent putting it in the title, even just the subtitle?

I started thinking that life isn't always an adventure or is it? According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word 'adventure' means an exciting or remarkable experience. Can't we find something remarkable and exciting in all our experiences- good or bad, exciting or mundane? That is the challenge in life - to make it worth while and find the adventures, the lessons, the 'take-aways' from each of our experiences, big or small - good or bad - happy or sad.

What got me thinking about this topic is dinner. Yes, dinner. A virtually mundane topic - yet still wrought with adventure. What can I cook that is healthy for my family? How can I incorporate my vegetarian eating habits into their carnivorous habits so that we can have a meal that is satisfying and healthy for all of us. At the end of the day, I ended up re-heating and doctoring up left-over carbonara, sauteed chicken breast and stir fried curried peas, radish and cabbage (for me).

I hope my family will enjoy this culinary adventure!

Post Note: C decided to re-heat left-over pizza.

So much for my worries about what to make for dinner. Whats the adventure? I'm not sure.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year

I'm quite excited to start this blog. Its been a goal of mine for quite sometime. It being the start of the Lunar New Year - it seems like an appropriate time to begin.

This week, the Burkes have celebrated Lunar New Year. We had friends over on the eve of the New Year. Although we had western food, the ingredients had special meaning for the New Year. For the Chinese, there are special foods that should be eaten during the New Year in order to ensure prosperity and happiness throughout the upcoming year. We had lasagna (noodles) for long life, roasted chicken to symbolize a favorable start and finish as well as family-togetherness, oranges for prosperity. Of course, there are so many other auspicious foods eaten during the new year; this was only symbolic.

We paid homage to history and tradition by going to YuYuan Gardens to enjoy the holiday with the throngs of Shanghai humanity, laughing, eating and frolicing. It was a great day ending with full bellies after wonderful long hand-pulled noodles, savory and juicy jiaozhi (dumplings), perfectly roasted unlevened bread, delicious fresh fruit and a new addition - dense peanut bars, sort of like Butterfingers without the chocolate.

Lunar New Year would not be complete without a trip to Kunshan to share a meal with our 'family' in the city where we started our China advenure. Madi, Cati, Bob and I ate until our hearts' content with people we've known for almost 12 years. We had fun talking about old times and exploring the future and what it holds for us in the Year of the Ox.

Yesterday, Madi and Cati went to a friend's house to have some maths tutoring. It was very successful for them as well as me because I got to spend some time with my friends, Jean and Tina. Lunar New Year is a great time to catch up with friends you don't get to see every day!

Speaking of old friends, Cati has Pheobe over. They've been friends here in Shanghai since they've been 3 years old. Pheobe got to our home around 3pm and they haven't been seen since - they've been up in Cati's room giggling.

The Lunar New Year isn't over yet! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.