Monday, February 2, 2009

Adventurous Eating Habits?

This is a new blog. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to write and if my ramblings will be interesting to anyone.

I started pondering- did I name this blog appropriately? Certainly, I can celebrate my family in so many ways - B is a great husband and dad, M is a sensitive, caring and intelligent teenager & C has a wonderful sense of humor and is compassionate and smart. But, do we have enough adventures to warrent putting it in the title, even just the subtitle?

I started thinking that life isn't always an adventure or is it? According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word 'adventure' means an exciting or remarkable experience. Can't we find something remarkable and exciting in all our experiences- good or bad, exciting or mundane? That is the challenge in life - to make it worth while and find the adventures, the lessons, the 'take-aways' from each of our experiences, big or small - good or bad - happy or sad.

What got me thinking about this topic is dinner. Yes, dinner. A virtually mundane topic - yet still wrought with adventure. What can I cook that is healthy for my family? How can I incorporate my vegetarian eating habits into their carnivorous habits so that we can have a meal that is satisfying and healthy for all of us. At the end of the day, I ended up re-heating and doctoring up left-over carbonara, sauteed chicken breast and stir fried curried peas, radish and cabbage (for me).

I hope my family will enjoy this culinary adventure!

Post Note: C decided to re-heat left-over pizza.

So much for my worries about what to make for dinner. Whats the adventure? I'm not sure.

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