Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our Lives on Paper

Sometimes in our lives, we meet someone who affects us in a special way - makes us see something in our world, in others or ourselves that changes our perspective. Madi has met such a person in her writing teacher, Nancy. Nancy has a way to draw out the inner-writer. Madi has always been a great writer. Nancy helped Madi to remember how much she enjoys writing. Watch the video to see Madi and her fellow creative writers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Living with Less is More...

Just had a great day out with friends. We went to TaiKang Lu - a SoHo-like area - in Shanghai.

It was interesting to shop and putter around with a new resolve to live a purposeful life. I saw lots of 'stuff' that I would like but really questioned myself regarding whether I or my family really needed it. It was an interesting process and one that will need some polishing and reviewing.

It was a beautiful day today in Shanghai- sunny, warm and fresh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Less is More...

Getting ready for our move to the US is an interesting process. I've been slowly, patiently and diligently organizing all our stuff. It is interesting how much of my stuff, stuff I couldn't do without, is not necessary. It has really taught me a valuable lesson about how little is needed to live a fulfilling life.

I've decided to adopt a philosophy of 'voluntary simplicity' - the act of having less so there is more available in the world for others. I don't want to define myself by what I have, rather I want to define myself by the value I bring to the world.

'Voluntary simplicity' is also the act of living an examined life - one in which I determine what is important, or "enough," for me, discarding the rest. (

There are many variations of 'voluntary simplicity'- and, quite frankly, I am still defining what it means to me.

One thing I know for sure is I want to live a purpose-filled life for me and for my family.

I'm going to enjoy crossing the bridge from a 'stuff-centered' life to a more 'purpose-centered' life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting Ready for the USA!

This week, Madi & Cati have been on Easter break.

They've been shopping, shopping and more shopping...

By far, yesterday was the most productive because they shopped for art to use as design inspiration for their new bedrooms in Fort Myers.

We went to this funky little art gallery where they bargained for bold, contemporary pieces of artwork.